Manju Bala
Principal’s Message
“In every epoch of humankind, knowledge represents the sum of what is created by all previous generations, to which the present generation adds its own.
The motif of the mobius strip symbolizes the perpetual, developing and live nature of knowledge – that which has no beginning & that which has no end.”
We all 21st Century citizen of our India are fortunate that we are witnessing exciting journey of knowledge, skills, dispositions in the field of Education guided by NEP 2020 and NCF2023.
The purpose and vision of Indian Education system is to impart knowledge, values & nurturing the talent seeking excellence through high quality educational endeavours, thus moving a step forward for making India a global Superpower (Vishwa Guru).
Developing among students a deep sense of respect towards fundamental duties & constitutional values, bonding with the country, a conscious awareness of one’s roles & responsibilities.
Instilling a feeling of deep rootedness and pride in being Indian not only in thoughts but also in spirit, intellect & deeds. Developing 21st century skills among our students.
Instilling values, dispositions, commitment to human rights, sustainable development & finally making our student global citizen.
Let us together leverage this opportunity to revolutionize the education, fostering holistic development, igniting creativity & nurturing lifelong learners by becoming the architect of this transformation in education era.
“Jai Hind Jai Bharat”
(Manju Bala)